12 Books on My To Read List this Year

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12 books on my "to-read" list this year | www.libraryadventure.com

I love reading books. I’m a bibliophile. There are so many books out there that I want to read and sometimes I just don’t have the time…but this next year, I want to make a point of reading something every month, whether it is just one book or a series. I have some books that I have been dying to read and others that look really good and I have just slapped them on my list.

I know I am an adult (turning 20 this year), but my heart is still young…meaning there are a lot of teen fiction books that I can’t wait to read! I guess that helps me, since I’m the contributor for the teen reviews and I write a bunch of other reviews and book lists on my blog!

Here are just a few of the many books I would really LOVE to read this year…

12 books on my “to-read” list this year:

1. Viking Quest series – Being a HUGE historical fiction geek, when I saw this series, I was super excited! I love how the summaries are telling me that throughout this five book series the main character grows into a mature young woman and her relationship with God grows stronger.

2. Christy Miller Collection – This series looks A-MAZ-ING for teen girls, seeing how it is about a teen girl, who is waiting for her Prince Charming to arrive. I love how she writes letters to her future husband…

3. Secret of the Lost Settlement – I loved John J. Horn’s first two books, The Boy Colonel and Brothers at Arms. They were so full of adventure and suspense. I literally devoured each book, reading a book a day (that’s over 300 pages). When I saw a month ago that they have a third one…oh, my bibliophile heart longed for it!

4. Perfectly Unique – I know girls are very uncomfortable in themselves. Still to this day, I still struggle with confidence, so when I found this book, I knew I would benefit from it…now to read it.

5. The Liberator series – Tricia Goyer is one of my favorite authors and when I saw she had a series about WWII, I was ecstatic. There is nothing I love better than Tricia Goyer and Historical Fiction.

6. By the Light of the Silvery Moon – When I came across this book, I saw two things. 1.) It was a historical fiction 2.) The author was Tricia Goyer (told you I loved her work). As I read what the book was about, I fell in love. A young woman, the titanic, confusion…yep, sounds like a good read, right?

7. Chasing Mona Lisa – Adventure and suspense in a book pulls me in faster than you can say “Jack Rabbit.” When the German in 1944 goes on a rampage of stealing the most valuable art pieces, can two Swiss folks save the day? Sounds amazing!

8. The Swiss Courier – When the man who invented the atomic bomb finds out he is a Jew, during WWII, he runs to save his life. Will the Swiss courier get him to safety in time? This looks like a very good and entertaining book, plus it is historical fiction!

9. Do Hard Things – I have been really wanting to read this book, for quite a few years. I love the idea of two teenager writing a book, encouraging other teenagers to defy the popular opinion of being “just a teenager” and actually being a useful and mature human.

10. Not a Fan – This crept its way up on my “to-read” list last year, when everywhere I turned around, this showed up. I had no idea what this book was about, but once I began investigating, my desire to read this book just grew and GREW!

11. Graceful – When a girl follows all the rules, it can often crush her by the weight of the responsibility to never “mess up.” This book encourages young women to stop trying so hard and start trusting Jesus. This sounds great!

12. The Book Thief – I didn’t even know this book existed, until the movie came out, and I heard someone ask if someone read the book. I was all ears! I checked my library and they had it!!! But they were all checked out, so I waited…it has to return to the library, right?

What’s on your to read list?

About Cassondra Freeman

Cassondra blogs at Beyond the Cover, where she writes about her passions: reading, writing, and homeschooling. Ever since she was a young child, reading was more than just a past-time, it was a hobby. After Cassondra’s graduation, she began blogging, where she loves sharing her love of books, making booklists, and writing about her homeschool years for those who want to learn and be encouraged.


  1. I came across this post via Pinterest. I just wanted to say the Viking Quest series was a wonderful supplement to my homeschool curriculum! My son and I really enjoyed the characters and following through their adventures. He liked it so much (and we read the series a few years ago) that I got him the whole series for Christmas. Enjoy your books! I see a few on your list that I want to read myself! 🙂

  2. Ohhh I LOVED Tricia Goyer’s Liberators Series. Night Song and From Dust and Ashes were the best out of the four. The characters were so realistic and the it just fantastically researched.

    I haven’t read The Viking Series but I loved that author’s American Civil War series.

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