Newbery Medal Books for Middle School

In college, I took a Children’s Lit class as part of my elementary education courses. One of my assignments was to read 25 Newbery Medal books. That class was one of my favorites in college. I love to read. I love to discover new books. Many of the books I read became books that I […]

7 Science Board Books for Babies & Toddlers

Let’s not leave the little ones out of the science fun! With this age group (0-3), you aren’t likely to be covering topics in depth. It’s about exposure. Just like reading to your child from a young age will teach them that it is normal, so will discussing science. Or any other topic, for that […]

8 Books About the Beach

To celebrate summer fun, read these books about the beach to your little ones! Wish For A Fish by Bonnie Worth – The Cat in the Hat, Sally, and Dick take an undersea voyage aboard the S.S. Undersea Glubber! Seashells by the Seashore by Marianne Berkes – Join Sue as she fills her bucket with all kinds of […]

8 More Awesome Science Books for Adults

Most of the books in my last list of science books for adults were focused on science experiments. Today’s list does have some of those, but I’ve also included some others. Geek Mom: Projects, Tips, and Adventures for Moms and Their 21st-Century Families by Natania Barron, Kathy Ceceri, Corrina Lawson, and Jenny Williams – This […]

Book-to-Movie List for Tweens

My middle-schooler loves to read. One thing we really like to do is watch movies based on the books we’ve read. We like to compare and contrast the book and the movie. Sometimes, the movies follow the book pretty well. Sometimes, they don’t. This opens a lot of dialogue between Em and me. It’s fun […]