What is a Library Card Actually Worth?

Maybe you’ve seen the meme that circulates Facebook every so often that hopes to compel the user to share an image that says something to the effect of “prove everyone wrong, share if you still use the library”. The fact that this even exists is sad. Libraries are such an important part of their communities. […]

10 Reader’s Theater Resources

Reader’s Theater is a literacy activity where scripts are adapted from works of children’s literature and each child takes on the role of a character from the story. By acting out their parts, kids gain practice in reading aloud, including the use of proper inflection and expression and appropriate facial expressions and gestures. This is […]

10 Ways Middle Schoolers Can Have Fun with Writing

Whether your middle schooler struggles with writing or aspires to be a novelist, these 10 activities will help him have fun with words while improving his composition skills. Fan Letters Middle school tends to be the time when many kids – especially girls – begin to develop an interest in and admiration for celebrities. Help […]

5 Tips for Using Wordless Books with Kids with Special Needs

I’ve long been an avid fan of picture books, but, honestly, it took me a while to become excited about wordless picture books. But, now that I see their numerous benefits (and how amazing they can be), I’m a dedicated fan of several phenomenal wordless masterpieces. My son with special needs loves to read. He really […]

5 Picture Books to Practice One-to-One Correspondence

A key skill learned in preschool years is one-to-one correspondence in counting. One-to-one correspondence means your child can count each object within a group by touching it and saying the corresponding number. Mastery of this concept provides initial knowledge to foundational math skills (like addition and subtraction) and proves the child understands that each object […]