Books About Rain and Rainbows + Activity Ideas

Have you heard the term book-based activities? It’s pretty common in kid blogger circles. It’s a simple concept, read a book and then do an activity that is related to what you read. It is a great way to bring stories to life for kids. So here are 12 books about rain and rainbows for […]

Make Way for Ducklings: Assessing Reading Comprehension with Hands On Play

With spring approaching, my two little boys have been asking questions in that never-ending style only a preschooler can master. During our last trip to the library we grabbed a stack of books to help us get ready for spring. One of the fast favorites is Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. After reading […]

Kid-Made Ornament: I Am Blop Inspired

We’re back! You may have noticed that we’ve been kind of quiet around here. It’s kind of a long, uninteresting story that I won’t bore you with, but the important thing to note is that we are back! Today, we are going to jump right in with a book-inspired, hands-on project. I’ve recently discovered the world […]

Books & Activities to Explore Snowflakes

Maybe it is because of the popularity of Frozen in our house or just the impending big winter that is forecasted for our area, but all things snow have been on my mind for a while now. Today I have a list of books for exploring snow and snowflakes, plus a list of crafts and […]

Super Simple Activity for Space Themes

It’s time for another round of the Poppins Book Nook! The theme this time was Beyond Our Planet. This is actually a fun theme for us because we love studying space. My 3rd grader is currently studying space in science. The only trouble I had was finding a picture book for space! So we went […]