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Even though it is already six weeks into the new year (whoa…), today I am sharing the books on my 2014 to read list. I have broken my list into sections for easy reference. This is how I have it written in my notebook…for MY easy reference.
I am also a busy mom. My husband and I have four children, whom I homeschool. I also write and have a blog I am building into a business. To top that off, I started a position at our church on the first of the year. Our family is in a very busy season, but I still intend to make time for reading because I enjoy it and it is a good habit to have.
Several of these are ebooks that I purchased in ebook bundles over the last year.
Home Life
The Breakfast Revolution by Beth M. Ricci :: Because breakfast is kind of boring around here. Actually, my meal planning in general has been pretty boring. The link there is to the author’s site, but you can buy the ebook on Amazon, too.
Steeped: Simple Nourishing Teas and Treats by Katherine Stanley :: I am wanting to grow herbs in our garden this year and need some motivation on things to plant. Also, I can’t drink coffee anymore so I am wanting to give teas a try.
31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way by Sarah Mae :: I could use some tips in this area. I am finding a rhythm, but haven’t perfected it by any stretch of the imagination.
Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman :: I started this book last year and loved it, but got busy and never finished it. This year, I will do just that!
Faith & Ministry
Crazy Love by Francis Chan :: A book that was on my shelf and I was reading, but then someone came along that needed that book more than I did at that moment so I gave it to them.
Praying God’s Word by Beth Moore :: I got this ebook on Amazon earlier this month and it marries two of my favorite things, the Bible and prayer.
To Live is Christ by Beth Moore :: I am interested in studying Paul’s life of faith.
The Unwired Mom by Sarah Mae :: As a blogger, I spend a good amount of time plugged in online. I need some balance on this and Sarah Mae’s reflections in this ebook come highly recommended by people I trust.
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine :: I am 9 of 25 (and counting) holds for this at my library. I’d like to say goodbye to survival, wouldn’t you?
Book Love by Melissa Taylor :: The most important thing in academics is good reading skills. I aim to instill this in my kids and am always looking for tips and ideas on how to do this better.
Bible Based Homeschooling by Karen Debeus :: As a Christian homeschool family, this intrigues me. I am a fan of her blog by the same name, too.
Christian Homeschooling with Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, Roku, and More by Angela Newsom :: This just intrigued me.
Lapbooking Made Simple by Heidi St. John :: I keep thinking we should give lapbooking or notebooking a try. If it is simple, maybe I actually will.
How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup :: I am currently reading this one and it comes highly recommended by many. So far, I can also add my recommendation.
Called to Write by KM Logan :: Putting purpose behind my writing.
iBlog from the iHomeschool Network bloggers :: I’ve owned this since it came out and have made it about halfway through it. It’s good. I also bought the 2nd one.
Blog at Home Mom by Christin Slade :: I blog. I’m a mom. I live and work at home. The title sounds like it is right up my alley.
Growing Your Blog While Managing Your Home by Jacinda Vandenberg :: See the above to see my interests.
Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant by Veronica Roth :: I loved the Hunger Games trilogy and I’m hoping this series is just as good. I’ve heard good things.
Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis :: Can you believe I have never read this series?! We recently watched the first two movies (the recent ones anyways) and knowing that the book is always better than the movie (per our Facebook question of the day previously); it inspired me to read the books. We loved the movies. We will probably read these aloud in our homeschool together.
Be sure to check out the to read lists from Cassondra and Tara, too!
Thanks for sharing your reading list! I was looking around for books on homeschooling and blogging when I stumbled upon your site. I’ll be checking out some of these titles. 🙂