Press Here by Herve Tullet (A Review)

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Press Here review on LibraryAdventure.comDo you have have a time when you pick up a book that looks pretty cool and it becomes a family favorite? We experienced that with the book Press Here by Herve Tullet.

What makes Press Here so special is it’s simplicity. The book is full of dots. Red, yellow, and blue. Each page you the reader are given instructions like “press the yellow dot” or “shake the book once”…when you turn the page, it appears like you DID something to the dot. Putting this in the hands of a child is like magic.

From the first reading of the book, my three year old was enthralled. The farther we got in the book, the more excited he became. By the time we got to the last few pages, he was sparkling with joy and giggling with glee.

His big brother (age 8) was also enjoying it…exaggerating the instructions which brought more hysterical laughter. Now, he reads it to his little brother and the two of them enjoy the experience.

I think it’s just as exciting for my 3 year old, even though he knows what will happen as it was the first time we read it. I have found him sitting on the couch with the book in his hands (it’s a got sturdier pages than a normal book) flipping back and forth in one part going “light on, light off, light on, light off.”

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There are three main things that make this book excellent for children:

  • Asks them to follow simple directions
  • Has them identify colors
  • Works on counting to 5

This book is rated for a 1st grade reader and it probably wouldn’t be as loved by older elementary children. But if you have younger elementary children, it should bring a smile to their face—and a giggle to the lips of the youngest!

Find It In Your Library

  • Title: Press Here
  • Author: Herve Tullet
  • Publisher: Chronicle Books, 2011
  • Format: Picture Book, Hardcover
  • Genre: Juvenile Fiction
About Lisa McKinney

Lisa’s been married to the love of her life for 11 years after being transplanted from the city life in Washington (the state!) to the farm life in Kentucky. They have two amazing boys and are embracing the country life. She enjoys bringing some of her family’s farm adventures to life on her blog including posts about homeschooling, cooking, the farm and just life in general. She has a love for cooking, is a glitter junkie and a book hoarder who dances around the kitchen to old movie musical soundtracks. The glass is absolutely half-full in her life and she thanks God for all the little things that He shares with her every day.


  1. Sounds excellent… I’m going to have to check it out!


  1. […] The Library Adventure writer Lisa also reviewed this book, you can read her review for more. […]

  2. […] Hervé Tullet with my three-year-old. They are such fun books. I first heard about the author when Lisa reviewed Press Here here at The Library Adventure. I encourage you to check his work out if you […]

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