Summer Reading Program Roundup!

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Summer Reading Program Roundup! on

“More children participate in public library summer reading programs than play Little League baseball.” – American Library Association

That amazes me and makes me so happy!

As the summer winds down The Library Adventure would like to salute the many awesome Youth Services Librarians, Library Assistants, Volunteers, Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers who made summertime reading so special for so many kids.

Here is our round up of a few favorite summer programs we found on the web:

Fizz Boom Read!

Check out for more information on this year’s collaborative summer program theme used by many public libraries across the USA!

Carrie at the blog The Lion is a Bookworm has seven themed story time plans rolling out this summer, all about a different area of science. Her plan about 5 Senses is wonderful and includes sense stations as well as a great bunch of books for kids ages 2-5.

TLA’s very own Katie Fitzgerald also has a series of fabulous science themed posts relating to the Fizz Boom Read on her blog Story Time Secrets – just hop on over there and search for “Fizz” and you will find a dozen or so posts relating to this theme – in addition to lists of books ranging from picture books to middle-grade novels she also has five different Story Time Starters that include everything you need to pull off a fantastic Story Time program. Her post on light and electricity is just one example of her fabulousness!

Storytime Katie has a Magnet themed STEAM filled plan that includes several magnet science activities that look like a ton of fun.

Cultivate Wonder shows us how to use Electric Dough (who knew?!?) to make Squishy Circuits as a part of an electric Story Time plan.

Laura Arnold at Literacious shared her Slime Science Workshop – and included a slime recipe.

Thrive After Three has a game that my kids would love – Smell-a-Rama Bingo! Check it out!

British Columbia, Canada’s Summer Reading Club theme this year is Funny Business. The talented librarians at Jbrary share their Battle of the Funny Books program complete with new song videos!

Terrific Tweens-Teens Programming!

Librarian Out Loud shows us her fabulous Dr. Who club for teens – she built a life sized TARDIS. Seriously amazing.

Never Shushed threw a Maker Monday Forces of Flight program that is not to be missed. Along with her group of teens she explained several different aeronautical and engineering concepts, built paper airplanes, balloon rockets and helped launch 25 soda bottle rockets.

Un-believable Un-programming!

Looking for a fun children’s area activity – pop over to Library Village’s Imagination Station: Let’s Play Library! This would be a ton of fun to re-create at home too – what young reader doesn’t want to play library and scan a few books?!?

Miss Meg’s Storytime has many different Fizz Boom Read! themed posts – my favorite is her Stealthy Science display details. Many different ideas presented complete with directions, tons of facts, and a description of how much planning and prep was involved for each passive program.

Miss Michelle @ MPL shows us her A-Z Animal Movement Obstacle Course as a part of her Summer Unprogramming post. Adorable, and it mixes movement, literacy and science. Win win win!

Thrive After Three showed us how to make a darling Felt Board Table for her children’s area – but would be a great project for at home too.

Roundup Recap!

Libraries provide so many valuable programs, but these few links show you how hard librarians and volunteers work to emphasize the importance of summer reading while making it a lot of fun for our kids! Next time you are in your library take a minute to thank your staff for their Summer Reading Programs!

Next year’s theme: Every Hero Has a Story…can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Have a program you loved this summer? Please feel free to share Summer Reading Programs you have attended in person or on the web!

About Anne McKernan

Once upon a time Anne McKernan, a very tired mother of two, walked in to a library ... the next thing she knew she was leading her town library's story time programs. Read more at


  1. Thanks so much for including us in this post Anne. So many fantastic things going on and lots of ideas here to use throughout the year!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! Lots of good stuff in here!

  3. I love this post, Anne! Thanks for including my blog – I was glad to participate in the theme even though I’m not working in the library anymore.

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