Many families with kids with special needs visit the hospital regularly. They know the best way to get to the parking deck. They know many nurses by name. They compile a backup list of ideas to help settle their child for blood work or other tests. (And they also know that, some days, none of those ideas […]
Pretend Play Activities for Spot’s Snowy Day
My son loves to read. (Hear this momma reader shout some praise?) Even with his variety of special needs, he continues to amaze us how he absorbs what he reads in various ways. So, naturally, I often plan our home preschool units based around a book or multiple books on a theme. We love to […]
3 Picture Books That Can Benefit Typical-Developing Kids AND Kids with Special Needs
The Library Adventure uses affiliate links, please see our disclosure for more info. Once children experience how reading allows quality time with a person they admire and love (whether that’s at 6 months old or 6 years old) while learning or being entertained, most love flipping through a book. The same is true for kids […]