The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (a Review)

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The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (a Review) at

I’m always on the prowl for a good mystery series. To be honest, I’m usually disappointed because the novels start to get formulaic or the premise just doesn’t hold up. However, I can usually look past the weaknesses in a series if, ultimately, I’m in love with the main character.

Enter Flavia de Luce.

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie takes place in 1950s Britain. It follows eleven-year-old Flavia de Luce who lives in a sprawling, though slightly neglected, mansion called Buckshaw with her widowed father and two older sisters, Daphne and Ophelia. An astute observer and varied reader, Flavia spends most of her time researching poisons and chemicals in her very own laboratory. Flavia has an affinity for chemistry and science, specifically poisons and their effectiveness on her sisters.

Life starts to get interesting at Buckshaw when a dead bird shows up on the front porch with a postage stamp attached to its beak. Yet, nothing piques the interest of young Flavia more than watching a man die in her back garden. “I wish I could say I was afraid, but I wasn’t. Quite the contrary. This was by far the most interesting thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life.”

The novel travels with Flavia as she collects clues, makes connections, and searches for answers to these mysteries in order to reunite her family. Flavia is precocious, hilarious, nosy, but underneath the surface, she’s all heart.

I particularly loved how this novel could be entertaining without pages and pages of violence, sexual references, or even much profanity. The plot packs plenty of punch for a fun, enjoyable read, and Flavia’s conversations and relationships add warmth and depth. Look for it at your local library and get started. Then, add to the fun with the Flavia’s other adventures – the sixth book just came out earlier this year! Trust me. Flavia de Luce is a main character worth a series.

About Kelly Wiggains

Kelly Wiggains, a high school English teacher turned homeschool mom, likes to surround herself with good literature, beautiful things, and big ideas, and she wants her home to reflect those things, too. She blogs, where she talks about everything From Literature to Living.


  1. We are always looking for great {clean} books for my 10yo avid reader. I just reserved this one at our local library. Thanks for sharing your review!

  2. Pinned it..thanks for sharing…sounds like a great series!

  3. I think this would be a fun read for middle school age or above, as long as your child is okay with reading about crime scenes, not incredibly graphic crime scenes, mind you, but still crime scenes.

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