Emily Falke

Emily Falke is a writer for The Library Adventure

About Emily Falke

Emily is a former middle-school English teacher who loves to help others enjoy the writing process.  She has always loved reading, and her feelings for the importance of literature for everyone developed as she completed The Teachers Academy Summer Institute programs at the The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.  Currently, she is a stay-at-home mom to her two children, and she makes sure to check out a large stack of children’s books (and a few for herself) from the library almost every week.  Along with reading and writing, she loves to knit, bake bread, practice yoga and spend time outdoors with her family in the beautiful San Joaquin valley of central California where they live.  Her personal blog is e.j.falke.

Emily’s Quick Interview

What is your favorite book?

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

What is your favorite book from childhood?

The Loner by Esther Wier

What is your favorite thing about the library?

I love the displays of new books and the books by authors born in the current month.  It’s a great way to find something new to read!

Writings from Emily Falke

Connect with Emily

You can find Emily on: