Caroline Flory

Caroline Flory - a writer for The Library Adventure

About Caroline Flory

Caroline is a wife, homeschooling momma to two undeserved blessings (one of whom has special needs), writer, picture book fanatic, decaf coffee drinker, former public school teacher, and major library advocate. In addition to writing posts on special needs here at The Library Adventure, she blogs about family, faith, and books at Under God’s Mighty Hand (including free printables!), contributes monthly to a couple of other sites, and loves to connect on Twitter.

Caroline’s Quick Interview

What is your favorite book?

One book is way too hard. Can I pick three? Chasing Francis by Ian Morgan Cron, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. That was still hard.

What is your favorite book from childhood?

Different eras of childhood had different favorites. Loved The Boxcar Children series and the Thoroughbred series. Later, loved A Ring of Endless Light by Madeline L’Engle.

What is your favorite thing about the library?

THE BOOKS! But, seriously (although I am serious about the books), I love quality time spent with my family full of learning at the library.

Writings from Caroline Flory

Connect with Caroline

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