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Pippi Longstocking is perhaps my first childhood book friend. Pippi is the ultimate kid’s kid and free spirit. She is able to lift strong policemen, climb tall houses and trees, rescue children from burning buildings and adults from their boring chatter.
Pippi lives all alone in a large yellow and pink house, her mother died when she was a baby and her father is lost at sea somewhere but expected to return. Pippi fills her days with pancakes, games, dancing, and many other antics. Her best friends are a monkey named Nilsson and a white horse she lets in the house and sleep in the living room. She supports herself with her suitcase full of gold coins. Clearly, she needs no one and is very capable of handling every detail of life on her own.
The neighbor children next door, Annika and Tommy, think Pippi’s the most amazing wonder. They weren’t the only ones, my children and their mother, think Pippi Longstocking is simply the best.
Pippi is our go to girl when the world seems dreary and boring. Through all of Pippi’s antics, which in our opinion makes her very endearing, are well placed “lessons” in life. As a mom, I think her messages of confident self-esteem and the knowledge that one has the power to do anything once you put your mind to it, are powerful lessons that I want my children to embrace.
When we check Pippi out from the Blount County Library it is always the “big purple” edition The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking, which contains all of the Pippi Longstocking books. This book is perfect for ages 7 to 10 but younger children often times can easily sit through a reading.
Something To Do
Pippi Longstocking is such a fun book to jump into. There are so many daily events happening within the pages of this favorite read that we often times have difficulty deciding what exactly we should be doing. Some activities we’ve done in the past are walking backwards relay races, making pancakes, and of course a large batch of ginger cookies.
Today though we thought we’d share our love of making ‘long-stockings”. They are perfect for any occasion.
- A pair of white knee socks
- Fabric markers
This book brings back wonderful memories from my early days as a girl. My sister, three years younger, got so into Pippi that she would dance around the house as though she were Pippi. She wanted to be and do all like Pippi. Your stocking idea is just great!
Thanks for the memory!
~ linda
I, too, have such wonderful memories with Pippi. She is like that. She just stays with you for your whole life. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your memories with us.
Oh how I love Pippi Longstocking!! I can’t wait to read it with my little guy when he is older. This was definitely one of my childhood favorites. (The movies too!) What a great craft idea to go with it! So much fun! 🙂
I love the long-stockings idea. I need to remember Pippi when my kids get a little bit older. Great review!
Thanks so much. So glad you like our long stockings. Have fun reading Pippi with your children. I know they’ll love her too.
I too always loved reading Pippi! I can’t wait until my boys are a bit older and we can try out a Pippi book! Love the stockings idea!
Your boys will love Pippi. Hope you enjoy the activity and thanks for stopping by.
My eldest just bought this same book today, a paperback version with the three books. She’d been saving up to buy it since she saw it at the bookshop last holidays. She’s nearly finished the first book already 🙂
I just found this, via Pinterest and I just have to say, what a small world! Currently my family lives in Bahrain. My husband is active duty Navy, however, we are in Blount County, Maryville, TN from time to time to visit family. I never knew such an acclaimed person was so close!
Thank you for the Pippi tips as my own Annika, is just experiencing the world of Pippi Longstocking for the first time.