Greek Mythology Books for Middle School

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My daughter – fifth grade – is currently enamored with Greek Mythology. She and her best buddy talk about it all the time. Every trip to the library results in a new stack of books about Greek gods and goddesses.

This spring, I attended two homeschool conventions. I was under orders to search out new Greek mythology books for her. In my search, I found some great books and book series that I would love to share with you. These books are great for the Greek mythology enthusiast or to supplement your homeschool studies of Ancient Greece. Enjoy!

Greek #Mythology for Middle Schoolers |

D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths ~ I discovered this book years ago when we studied ancient Greece. The illustrations are impeccable, and this book will hold the attention of readers of all ages!

The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus ~ Geared toward the early elementary-aged student, this book offers a brief overview of many of the gods and goddesses with a focus on the Greek myths of who the world was created.

A Child’s Introduction to Greek Mythology ~ This book is recommended for readers ages 8-12. In addition to gods and goddesses, readers are also introduced to some mythical creatures.

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods ~ This book is scheduled for release in August 2014. Though I can’t provide a review, here is what the author has to say about the book…

Who could tell the origin stories of the gods of Olympus better than a modern-day demigod? Percy Jackson provides an insider’s view with plenty of ‘tude in this illustrated collection.

Tales of the Greek Heroes ~ This is one of the books I picked up for Em at the last homeschool convention. She hasn’t started reading it yet, but it is in the queue on her nightstand. It has great reviews, and I may even pick it up myself this summer and read it.

Greek Myths ~ This is the other book I picked up for her.

Teri Temple series ~ I came home from the homeschool convention to find a huge stack of these books on the counter. Emma had checked out about 15 of them from our local library. Each book in the series focuses on a different god or goddess.  Inside, you can find a chart of the characters in each particular story as well as a family tree in the end. These books offer a brief introduction to Greek mythology.

Hugh Lupton series ~ There are currently three books in his “Greek Myths” series, and each tells a different tale. They are short chapter books that help kids see the relationship between different characters in Greek mythology.

Mary Pope Osborne series ~ Mary Pope Osborne, author of the Magic Tree House series, has a series on Greek mythology, as well. While we haven’t personally checked these out, fans of Osborne’s writing may want to give this series a try.

Greek #Mythology: A Book List at


About Tara Mitchell

Tara Mitchell is a wife and mom to three beautiful children ages 19, 15, and 10. She enjoys reading, cooking/baking, and crafting. When she's not driving to and from her children's activities, you can find her blogging at This Sweet Life. You can also connect with her on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and Facebook.


  1. You’ve just solved a birthday gift question by posting about this book. Thanks.

  2. We are finishing our Greek Myth studies. The D’Aulaires book was what we were using. I love that they have it on CD as well.

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