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Long live Castle Glower! I loved everything about this story – the magical castle that grows new rooms, moves corridors and looks after its royal family; the trio of royal sibling who are kind, clever, and brave; the adventure they have trying to save their kingdom from a nasty usurper…it all works together to create a great story that keeps you eagerly reading to see what happens next.
The main character, Princess Celia (the youngest), is not your usual princess. While having the good manners and kindness you would expect from a royal, she is also clever – it is her determination to map the ever-changing castle that helps to save the day, and she comes up with a few ideas that help to stir things up. It is not often that you meet a princess who abseils down a rope from a tower, outwits the guards and believes in herself, her family, and her castle.
“Lilah relaxed visibly, and Celia found that her appetite came back in a rush. She tore a roll in half, smashed a piece of ham between the two pieces, and ate it in a few bites. Pogue had gotten free, people knew her parents were alive, everything would be all right.”
Equally as brave and clever, and able to rise to their challenges without losing their dignity are her brother Rolf and sister Lilah. These three all help each other to stay strong while they try to find out what really happened to their parents. Relying heavily on Ceila’s knowledge of, and trust in, the castle’s magic, they support each other, work together and manage to foil their enemy while also making sure everyone loyal to the castle is safe. A fine set of young people indeed.
Readers from around 8 to 12 are sure to enjoy this wonderful mix of magic, fun and adventure. I am also pleased to see there are more stories about Celia, Lilah, Rolf and their amazing castle. Look for Wednesdays in the Tower and Thursdays with the Crown at your library, too!
Find It In Your Library!
- Title: Tuesdays at the Castle
- Author: Jessica Day George
- Published: Bloomsbury, 2011
- ISBN: 978-1-59990-644-7
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