National Library Week is April 10-16, 2016. To celebrate, share some of these wonderful songs about books, libraries, and reading with the preschoolers in your life! Not only will they reinforce the importance of libraries, but they will also help strengthen your little ones’ early literacy skills. The Library Song by Tom Chapin This […]
10 Tools to Support Letter Knowledge
Learning to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet is an early literacy milestone children need to master before they can learn to read. If your toddler or preschooler has shown an interest in learning her letters, these tools will both engage her imagination and facilitate the learning process. ABC Songs Probably the […]
10 Reader’s Theater Resources
Reader’s Theater is a literacy activity where scripts are adapted from works of children’s literature and each child takes on the role of a character from the story. By acting out their parts, kids gain practice in reading aloud, including the use of proper inflection and expression and appropriate facial expressions and gestures. This is […]
Meet Sharon Hrycewicz, Children’s Reference and Technology Coordinator
This month, The Library Adventure is pleased to welcome Sharon Hrycewicz, Children’s Reference and Technology Coordinator at Downers Grove Public Library in Downers Grove, IL. Sharon blogs at Rain Makes Applesauce, and she is part of the team behind Robot Test Kitchen. The Library Adventure: Please give a brief description of your current position. Sharon: I’ve been blessed to […]
25 Questions to Spark Book Discussions with Young Readers
Talking with kids about what they read helps strengthen their communication skills and gives teachers, librarians, and parents an opportunity to assess reading comprehension. Here are 25 open-ended questions to get kids talking about books at the dinner table, in book groups, in class discussions, and anywhere else you want to chat about reading. What […]